goodbye, January.

I’m not sure how this happened. One minute I was excitedly plunging into a long break away, and the next, I’m back home and it’s 1.5 hours to February.  The year is moving into its second month, but I haven’t even realised that 2016 has begun.

How has January been? I need to write a little, to make me think a little, because the past month has pretty much been an exercise in escaping.  In pretending that I don’t have a life, a family, responsibilities etc.  Existential crisis of sorts I guess – in a sense, I don’t really have financial responsibilities, my family can take care of itself, and what else is there to life really?

Well to a certain extent, if I really think of it, the answer is community.  Which is pretty much non-existent right now, because I’ve spent the past 2 months trying to be as uncontactable as possible, and succeeding quite well.  It means that I haven’t been present and available to any friends, I don’t know what’s been happening in the community, nothing.  But honestly, I don’t really want to talk about community right now, because talking about community means talking about God, and I’m not ready for that just yet.

In fact, I don’t really feel like writing about anything, and yet I feel compelled to write.  Why?  Frustrating.

This song has just come on, and I think it’s perfect for what I’m feeling right now:

Ever since I’ve come back, I’ve felt very unsettled.  For the first time ever, I suddenly feel the need to leave, to live somewhere else, to see if a different existence can be found somewhere.  I love Singapore.  I’ve always loved this place.  I love almost everything about it, almost blindly.  But suddenly, I realise that life could be really different elsewhere.  I could be really different elsewhere.  And I’m suddenly curious.  Curious about who I could be.  Who I could be free to be.

It’s terribly unsettling.  Where do I want to go?  I have no idea.  I’m terrified of meeting new people.  Going somewhere where I would know absolutely no one is simply paralyzing.  I don’t trust myself around people, honestly.  So preferably, I want to go somewhere where I already know some people at least, or where there’s already some sort of structure that compels me to know people – and no, work doesn’t count.  You never can tell what your co-workers will be – I have worked jobs where my colleagues are now close friends, and also jobs where I never had anything to say to any of my colleagues, and never contacted any of them after I left.

What am I saying. That could be true of any setting – church, dorm, school, etc.  DISASTER haha.  I don’t know what I want.  I guess deep down I’m still just a kid.  Today’s second reading had that passage which I feel more and more allergic to – about how when we were children, we had childish ways and thinking, but when we are adults we must put our childish ways behind us.  So not doing that.  😦

January was spent running away, pretending that I could escape real life forever.  Tomorrow is February, and time to start getting back to reality, to routine, to responsibility.  Reality is partly controlled by my decisions though, and I can choose what the next step is.  What do I want it to be?

(At this point I feel compelled to point out to myself that no matter what conclusion I manage to come to, I’ll never feel comfortable or at peace with it until I consult God, and the more I put off doing that, the worse it’ll be.  Sometimes it really sucks to know that God is God.)

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